what's your inner pippin?

you've just arrived home after a hard day's night, what are your first activies?

fooood! get it! you are very hungry, and tired. perhaps after quick bite, a nap? oh and then after that, dinner! hooray!
check to see who else is home. talk. see how they are, if they are all right.
sit down in a dark hallway where no one else is and think back on your day.
come in, greet the family, help make dinner, then sit down as the pudding sings in the copper.

a friend is in peril you:

look on in horror, too frightened to really move or know what to do.
run to his side and hold his hand, pull him aside and provide comfort, he won't be left alone!
defend him, even to the death if need be.
run to get help, you know you cannot to this on your own.

the first thought to creep into your mind in the morning is:

what a dark sky! when will it be light again i wonder?
hmmm? i am so comfortable.
i wonder where my friends are and what they are doing now. i wish they were here.
where's the hot water? i want a bath and then breakfast. mmm. breakfast.

nowadays you might be found:

going into battle.
exploring a new land, leaving all you once knew behind you.
running a household.
eating cheese, mmm. cheese.

what have you found to be most important in life?

friends and family- peace and a good home.
to be couragous and brave, to defend what you love.
good cheer and happiness, to always have sense of humor.
to ever believe in hope and goodness, even when all seems lost and you are far from home.

your friend has treasure in a secret box. he tells you thus and also not to touch it. then he leaves the secret box on a table right in front of you and walks away, what do you do?

ah, take the secret box and nip out back for a peak. surely one look isn't going to hurt anyone?
guard the box and protect it from any other who may get ideas about taking it. you were told not to look and this is no time for pertness.
put your hands in your pockets. best to stay out of the affairs of others.
nothing. if he wants to play with a silly secret box, then he may. you have a wonderfully soft piece of bread and an excellently sized pat of butter to entertain yourself with right now.

your most apparent personality trait is:

your devotedness. you are loyal to those you love and respect.
your charm. ah you have a sharp tongue and quick wit- you're very sweet and funny.
your curiousity, ever do you wonder about everything around you at all times
your stability. you're in control of your life. you know yourself well and are happy.

let's pick an emotion to describe your position in life.


at the end of the day you're:

in a dimly lit room looking out the window at a darkling sky
lost in a dream of wind and a thousand tiny stars.
at home and happy.
tired, rubbing your eyes wanting for a soft bed.

... x