
annals of arda
i worship this place. whenever i have life-pertinent questions, "who is gwaihir?" "what is fornost?" "where's my yogurt?", which increasingly seems to be the case at two am these days, this place has been there for me. i love it. i can't believe anyone has had the patience to create such a site. sheesh, when i think of how i move, it absolutely makes me shudder. a great site; answers all your questions, easily searchable, quite simply, an amazing archive.

encyclopedia of arda
another amazing compilation of information. i lived here in my history of the thainship days. my favourite pastime is looking up the alternate names of characters. ernil i pheriannath meet kalimac brandagamba, banazîr? where's banazîr? he'd love this. fabulous stuff.

torn's pippin blurb
aw, because you have to start somewhere and i had to include torn somewhere in the links. this is just a basic blurb of tookish factoids. whoa, check the portrait.

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